Thursday, July 10, 2008

VCO dan Kanser Usus

A clean and healthy colon is essential to maintain good physical condition. This is because an unclean colon becomes the storage of harmful toxins that causes majority of health problems and illnesses like chronic fatigue, psoriasis, acne, bad memory, body odor, obesity, etc. Even fatal health diseases like cancer can be traced to a toxin-filled colon

We have to take care of our colon because it is major part of the human digestive system which includes the small intestine and the large intestine or colon. Food is fully digested in the small intestine while absorption of nutrients and excretion of waste materials are the function of the colon or the large intestine.

The colon serves an important part as it acts as the filter system of the body. If the colon is filled with waste and toxins, it becomes congested and fails to function well, resulting to a host of diseases.

There are ways to know if your colon is not in excellent condition. Here are some of the symptoms: Abdominal, rectum or anus pain, constipation, loose stools, blood in stools, mucus from the rectum, inflammation of the colon.

Early signs of colon problem includes: pale skin, coated tongue, bad breath, body odor, headaches, lack of appetite, taut joints, tiredness, dizziness, muscular pain, irritability, skin rash, high blood pressure, etc.

How to Maintain a Healthy Colon

The dietary fibers acts like a broom in the digestive system that sweeps all the dirt and toxins that accumulate there. A diet that is rich with dietary fibers would go a long way in keeping the colon free from impurities. This means that one should eat fiber-rich foods (e.g. fruits and vegetables, like beans, carrots, whole grains, oat bran and beans. Avoid foods that are too greasy and refined.

Likewise, regular intake of virgin coconut oil (VCO) would improve digestion and absorption of nutrients resulting to a clean colon and a healthy and strong body. One to two tablespoons of VCO a day would arm your body with antioxidants and anti-carcinogen. You can also add VCO in your diet by using it as an alternative for butter, using as a sweetener for coffee, etc.

A healthy colon is not so hard to achieve if one is determined to lead a healthy life.

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